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Tribunal statistics show continued fall in employment claims

The Ministry of Justice has today published statistics on tribunal claims for the period April-June 2014. The figures show that the total number of single claims in the employment tribunal was down 70% on the same period last year.

The Tribunals Statistics Quarterly also notes that the number of single claims received in April-June this year was a third lower than in the previous quarter (January-March). It is notable that the Early Conciliation regime, which requires complaints to be referred to Acas before a tribunal claim is presented, came into force during this period, although it is too early to tell to what extent this affected the number of tribunal claims.

The statistics also show that the number of multiple claim cases – i.e. those involving numerous complaints against the same employer – was down to 453 in April-June, compared to around 1,500 in the same period in 2013. The MoJ notes that multiple claims are particularly volatile, since some of the litigation involves claims that need to be resubmitted every quarter, and a few large claims can skew the figures.





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