Thursday 13th November 2014
Posted By: James
Read MoreWednesday 12th November 2014
Posted By: James
Culture secretary Sajid Javid has warned that terrorists and criminals are exploiting the “right to be forgotten” ruling by the ECJ in order to remove details of their activities and trials from web search engines.
Read MoreTuesday 11th November 2014
Posted By: James
A survey of 3,500 parents by the charity Edge and the City & Guilds Group found 53% thought a law degree "very employable", although a majority also said they thought teenagers who train as plumbers have a better chance of a good job than those graduating in law and history.
Read MoreMonday 10th November 2014
Posted By: James
Angela Jamieson reports on the threat to the magic circle’s dominance in London from the likes of Baker & McKenzie, which recently spent £3m on a 65th anniversary party for its 800 partners.
Read MoreMonday 10th November 2014
Posted By: James
A report from Deloitte predicts that in the next 10 to 20 years up to 35% of all jobs will be lost to robots with people earning less than £30,000 per year ten times more likely to find themselves redundant than those earning over £100,000.
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