Monday 15th December 2014
Posted By: James
Ed Miliband will announce today that employers who exploit immigrants by offering them lower wages and worse conditions than British residents could be jailed under a Labour government.
Read MoreThursday 11th December 2014
Posted By: James
Ahead of the festive season, the Times asks legal professionals to pick their favourite legal-themed reads from this year.
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Thursday 11th December 2014
Posted By: James
The House of Lords has launched the new Professional Paralegal Register (PPR). Set up jointly by the National Association of Licensed Paralegals and the Institute of Paralegals, the PPR is intended to give status and an ethics code to the large army of paralegals whose day-to-day work underpins the legal industry.
Read MoreWednesday 10th December 2014
Posted By: James
According to research from RPC, a growing number of law firms are being sued for professional negligence, with the number almost tripling in the last year.
Read MoreTuesday 9th December 2014
Posted By: James
HMRC has launched a new campaign urging solicitors to come forward and bring their tax affairs up to date. The Revenue claims tax crackdowns focused on the likes of doctors, dentists and lawyers among others have raised almost £1bn so far since being initiated in 2011. Solicitors who are self-employed or work within a partnership are being targeted, as well as those who work within a law firm. They have until June next year to disclose the tax they owe and pay it. Caroline Addison, head of campaigns for HMRC, stated: “Information gathered by HMRC has allowed us to identify solicitors who thought they could operate without declaring income and paying the taxes that others have to pay.”
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