Posted By: James
Thursday 11th December 2014
The House of Lords has launched the new Professional Paralegal Register (PPR). Set up jointly by the National Association of Licensed Paralegals and the Institute of Paralegals, the PPR is intended to give status and an ethics code to the large army of paralegals whose day-to-day work underpins the legal industry. It is hoped that the register might bring order to the unpoliced sector of legal activity, which is used by thousands of people for cut-price - but unregulated - legal services. Baroness Dianne Hayter, who hosted the launch event, stated: “What we are doing today is important for the whole of the legal profession as well as for consumers. It is another step towards improving confidence in the legal services market.” Steve Green, chairman of the Office for Legal Complaints at the Legal Ombudsman, also welcomed the development. Rita Leat, the chief operating officer of the National Association of Licensed Paralegals, says the system will prescribe levels of accreditation so an individual paralegal's competence becomes clear based on his or her qualifications, training and experience, adding "It will also provide robust standards and proportionate regulation".
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