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Bar considers breaking up barristers’ training

Posted By: James

The Bar Standards Board has said it may break up the training of prospective barristers in an effort to improve diversity and equality in the profession. The board has concerns that costs are having a “significant influence on the range of people considering a career at the Bar.” Measures could see the one-year Bar Professional Training Course, which costs between £12,000 and £18,000, broken up so a first, cheaper section can be offered, with only the more talented prospects moving onto to the latter part of the course. Alistair MacDonald QC, chairman of the Bar Council, said: “There are too many people spending too much money in order to train… with no realistic prospect of being able to make a start in the profession.” It is noted that the board set up the Bar Course Aptitude Test in 2013 in an effort to make sure those entering training were suitable. Elsewhere, Mr MacDonald notes a desire for the next government to refrain from cutting criminal legal aid fees, saying it could lead to direct action like that taken by barristers protesting cuts proposed by the Ministry of Justice.


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